Get Your ​Should ​Together

with Victoria

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He​y!I'm Victoria

And I'm passionate about

Empowering YOU to walk in freedom!

Let's Get Your Should Together

by being equipped to live a Transformation Life.

One of Whole Health,

- Body, Mind, & Spirit -

- Self, Home, & Business -



Se​lf Health

(Sister) Victoria has coached me for about ​3 months now & been a steady hand for ​me to hold and guide me.God has used h​er to give me revelation gifts - about my p​ast hurt and how it holds me back in my s​elf health, in business, and in my spiritual g​rowth - that I just couldn't have found on m​y own.

Ho​me & Business Health

I've had a few health issues this past year.​& Victoria has blessed my life with ​organization & assistance in every way.I ​can move forward, focus, & grow!I'm ​getting my should together which is even ​easier as she plans and implements what ​needs to happen & gives me direction ​along the way!

Home Heal​th

I hired Victoria to help me get my should ​together - my house just is overflowing ​with life... and so that comes with stuff. ​She repurposed the pantry and coat ​closet for a functional & beautiful flow, ​which affected my kitchen, dining, & office ​as well!I didn't realize how all things are ​really connected!

Self & Home H​ealth

Oh my gosh - Victoria has literally been a ​godsend.I had no idea that someone ​could come into my home, and get into my ​head - and I didn't have to be afraid to ​show the mess.

Bu​siness Health

Victoria is amazing!She was incredibly e​ngaging with our team & had a deep under​standing of our business & industry that ​built trust from the start. She was able to ​blend content/skill education with a​pplication in real time...We now are able ​to be more productive & effective as a t​eam...I'd recommend her to anyone withou​t hesitation!

Self Heal​th

The group meeting atmosphere allows us ​to push our limits in being brave & bold.​Trusting God's power & not our own.

Being an introvert, I thought it would be ​impossible, but Victoria reminded me that ​it's Jesus who defines me, not a ​personality trait.

Experience & Education


Whole-Health Coach

Get Your Should Together

-Personal & Business Management-

Like an "ah-ha" dropped into my head and heart, I realized the need ​for Whole-Health Coaching around me.My years of business and ​ministry have paved a solid path for me to lead my clients by ​providing tailored training seminars, content & program ​application, alignment & design for all areas of your life through ​education, management, and empowerment.Certified Life & Fitness ​Coach.





-FMI, AOF, Project Fit, EGI, M​LO-

Interdenominational training equipped me to work with vari​ous ministries as well as cultures. Being in ministry and specifica​lly called as a missionary, versatility is a must and continual growth​ in humility is absolutely essential.Akha Outreach Foundation Medi​a & Support Management, EGI Trainer & Director Support, Cont​ent Creator-Christian Writer & Prophetic Artist, ESL Instructor, Me​dia Missionary Facilitator, Business as Missions owner, Pra​yer Counselor, Yoga Instructor, Whole Health Coach, Creativity​ as Worship Instructor, Children's Home House-Pare​nt.



Mi​nistry Training

As an overseas missionary, I submitted to the authority & ​instruction of solid mentors who deeply instilled that a leader must ​be a servant and a teacher must be a student.

I received Biblical Leadership certification from Tung Ling Bible ​School of Leadership in Singapore, as well as FMI missionary ​training, Master of Administration training through Global Legacy, ​Life Academy discipleship training, & Medialight Media-Missionary ​training..

While in Thailand, I spent 5 years focusing on orphan & family care, ​which included teaching & training. 2 years with a solid focus on ​both men & women's Whole Health Coaching, largely in the fitness ​industry, but also in Women's mental/emotional/spiritual health.

**I currently volunteer my services at least 15 hours per week local​ly and internationally!The mission doesn't change due to locatio​n. The purpose of God doesn't change due to the place you a​re in.


asm - Biblical Studies

Although I have studied & received a number of certifications over ​the years, I felt a formal education in Biblical Studies was on my ​heart.   I'll be wrapping up my 3rd year of studies.



Li​fe Coaching

Upon taking the "I Am Woman" course and doing life with a ​phenomenal life coach (although uncertified at the time, massively ​experienced & worthy) in Krabi, Thailand, I knew this was a strong ​desire and skill for me.I hold a certification as a Life Coaching ​Practitioner with the Academy of Applied Psychology.I've also ​studied & practiced REBT, SOZO,NHM, Enneagram, & Bethel ​methodologies (although not certified in them).It's an unending ​practice of growth.

While in Thailand, I spent 2 years with a solid focus on both men & ​women's Whole Health Coaching (mostly women, though), largel​y in the fitness industry, but also in Women's mental, emotional,​& spir​itual health.



re​al estate

-Re/Max Horizons, CO - Hegg Realtors, SD-

Drawn to real estate due to a passion for turn-of-the-century ​homes, I found myself administrating to managing within months ​and soon after, journeying with buyers & sellers. Property ​management became a quick study and personal implementation ​as well.I realized I preferred to focuse on office culture & team ​management, as well as property management, which included ​policies, procedures, photography & marketing.A sweet treat & ​additional creative outlet was my talent at home staging & ​organization for enhanced functionality and sale potential of our ​listings.

I'm So Excited

to get to know you more!

You'll see how each program is tailored ​personally to you and your needs.

I believe that it is essential that I strive to ​understand you and your expectations as well ​as lead you on your healthiest journey that is ​unique to you!

Whole-Health Life-Coaching -

Stick around - my Transformation book is just ​around the corner!!!

Join my beta group TODAY!

Be one of my ambassadors for my book release ​& get a free pre-release copy!

In​ A Nutshell...

"Ya, I'm a Jack-of-all-trades...

Equipped & called by the master of all." -V-

I'm a creative and a problem-solver which means

I can see a beautifully functional solution past the spilled plate of ​spaghetti

that many people and small businesses find themselves sitting in.

In short, I fill in the gaps while providing possibilities for growth.

  • I'm experienced in Excel to Davinci Resolve to Zoom to ​Wordpress and more, and freely navigate new applications.
  • Personal & team development, atmosphere, & culture creation is ​a top priority.
  • I'm gifted in writing, creative application, resourceful ​photography, videography & design.
  • I offer hands-on and virtual strengthening & training ​opportunities for those in need of personal and/or professional ​development.
  • I utilize my unique skill-set, experience, and knowledge with a ​whole-health (Kingdom-minded) approach.

I run pretty darn true to my top strengths: Belief, Communication, ​Self-Assurance, Adaptability, Strategic.

There's no pushing me off the rock I stand upon. I'll do everything I ​can to understand you and allow you to understand me. If I say I ​can make it happen , I will make it happen. If (when) things fall ​apart, I'll figure out a way to redeem and recreate the pieces. I sort ​through the clutter, anticipating both the successes and failures, ​and find the best route.

Reach out

I love the phrase "Here is Holy!"It's time to embrace your ​worth and worship through all you do and in every bit of who ​you are!

You've got to reach out in order to receive!I'm here to help ​you see that there's not a mess in your life - period - that ​Jesus won't help you clean up!

We've all got should to deal with, even on the best of days, ​even if we've been in leadership for years!Faking it just ain't ​making it anything but worse.

Let's Get Your Should Together

Email or DM me today!

Victoria Hennen

connect with me

Wh​ole-Health life-coaching


You are absolutely filled with endless possibilities & promises that ​were created just for you!It's such a privilege to unlock and ​discover them with you and in you.

This isn't a Sunday drive, though.No walk in the park.I'll be taking ​you on a journey, but it's up to you whether you grow through it.

We are going to go from valley to mountain to mudpit and right back ​up that mountain.

It's ok - I'm not afraid of the mess along the way!That’s what I’m ​here for!

We will spend 1-2 sessions weekly diving in with prayer counseling, ​disciplines management, visioneering, creating and so much more!

You'll face weekly challenges, walk through my Transformation Life ​program, attend group meetings* & break through the barriers that ​are holding you back!

Anything you share remains undyingly confidential.

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free consultation


*Group meetings are not forced but HIGHLY recommended.

Wh​ole-Health life-coaching


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free consultation


Wh​ole-Health life-coaching


Did you realize that the atmosphere of our home sets ​the atmosphere if life for everyone who resides there?

So if you struggle with disorganization, constantly ​running out of supplies - or having too many, have ​multiple unfinished projects, it is probably a very good ​idea to assess your home health.

You are designed to have authority over the Earth, but ​you've got to start in the "garden", your home!

Your self-health affects your home-health which ​affects your business-health.In, out, and around, that ​pattern weaves.

We can tackle projects bit by bit as you learn how to ​prioritizes and establish a peace in your home.

I will assess your home & give it a good once-over, then ​we will determine priorities & design a good functional ​flow, and finally we will see that beauty realized!


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Wh​ole-Health life-coaching


I empower you to take your own steps of home health ​by giving you "assignments', and focus on a lot of the ​boots-on-the-ground work as to lighted your load so ​you can think and see more clearly.

We can tackle projects bit by bit as you learn how to ​prioritizes and establish a peace in your home.

I will assess your home & give it a good once-over, then ​we will determine priorities & design a good functional ​flow, and finally we will see that beauty realized!

I empower you to take your own steps of home health ​by giving you "assignments', and focus on a lot of the ​boots-on-the-ground work as to lighted your load so ​you can think and see more clearly.

-1-2 ROOM REBOOT package:$550 - $925

    -Initial Assessment, Pack-out, Pack-in, ​Design/Shopping Services, (Overflow, Collaboration)   

*Loyalty & referral kickback 10%!!No travel fee inside 15 ​mile radius.

Request your

free consultation


Wh​ole-Health life-coaching


Your business, your life is destined to thrive.Invest in your people, ​your education & your culture today to be set above and apart from ​the rest.

God is all about equipping His people to live excellent lives, no matter ​what they do or where they are, and conduct businesses that reflect ​Him as the One and Only True God above all gods.

Whether I'm instructing on Simply Social or Media Master-Crash, ​Team & Office Culture or organizing your filing flow, I intend to convey ​and impart knowledge and ability so that you can stand out above the ​rest.I value partnering closely with other businesses and ​organizations in order to help you become the best you can be!

Request your

free consultation


*Time approximated due to hands-on nature of some exercises.No traveling fee w/in 15 mile radius.Fee based per company.​Additional $10 per attendee required. *Servants discount & scholarship available.

Wh​ole-Health life-coaching



- 3-day Seminar Training $800 (6-8 hours application & instruction. ​3 consecutive days or 3 consecutive weeks.)

- 1-day Intensive Seminar Training $500 (5-7 hours application & ​instruction)

- 1-day Seminar Training $200 (2-3 hour)


-recorded sessions with 1 hour live support/instruction-

- 3-day Seminar Training $400 (6-8 hours application & instruction. ​3 consecutive days or 3 consecutive weeks.)

- 1-day Intensive Seminar Training $250 (5-7 hours application & ​instruction)

- 1-day Seminar Training $200 (2-3 hour)

Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke

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free consultation


You can go ahead ​and snoop, too!

You'll find me as ​atatteredportrait on ​Instagram & ​JeremyVictoria Hennen ​on Facebook, too.

You'll see much of my ​ministry adventures.

need artwork or ​writing? Let me know ​what you're looking for!

Have a need that I didn't ​list?If I can't do It, I'll ​try to find someone who ​can!